Customizable Six-Side Crimping Mold
Customizable Six-Side Crimping Mold
  • Customizable Six-Side Crimping Mold

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  • Customize crimping with the Customizable Six-Side Crimping Mold. This mold allows for customizable six-side crimping, providing versatile crimping options for specialized terminal types. Ideal for custom crimping applications and adaptable terminal termination. Get customizable crimping capabilities with six-side crimping molds!

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Detailed description

Customized crimping mold wire crimping machine die as Six side mold change for the terminal machine, JST Terminal Crimping Machine, OTP U-shaped mold, Terminal Machine Applicator, Otp Mold, Otp Terminal Mould, terminal applicator die OTP mold Horizontal and vertical crimping molds, terminal applicator, die, OTP mold, Horizontal, and vertical crimping molds
Customized crimping mold, wire crimping machine die, Six side mold, change for the terminal machine

Terminal crimping machine, using high-frequency technology, electronics precise positioning. Motor operating noise smaller than traditional terminal when crimping, save electricity, transfer mode is more convenient, and avoids common failures as the traditional terminal clutch/solenoid meet.
Six-side OTP mold feature: High precision and durability.

 Customized crimping mold, wire crimping machine die, Six side mold, change for the terminal machine  Customized crimping mold, wire crimping machine die, Six side mold, change for the terminal machine  Customized crimping mold, wire crimping machine die, Six side mold, change for the terminal machine  Customized crimping mold, wire crimping machine die, Six side mold, change for the terminal machine  Customized crimping mold, wire crimping machine die, Six side mold, change for the terminal machine  Customized crimping mold, wire crimping machine die, Six side mold, change for the terminal machine  Customized crimping mold, wire crimping machine die, Six side mold, change for the terminal machine  Customized crimping mold, wire crimping machine die, Six side mold, change for the terminal machine  Customized crimping mold, wire crimping machine die, Six side mold, change for the terminal machine  Customized crimping mold, wire crimping machine die, Six side mold, change for the terminal machine  Customized crimping mold, wire crimping machine die, Six side mold, change for the terminal machine
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